About Me

My book, Devant l’histoire en crise (PUM, 2022), is now available! You can visit the PUM website to order a copy. Here is a blurb in English.

Mon livre intitulé Devant l’histoire en crise. Raymond Aron et Leo Strauss est maintenant disponible sur le site des PUM. Vous trouverez ici un court vidéo de présentation de l’ouvrage

Devant l'histoire en crise-couv


I am an Associate Professor in Political Philosophy in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University in Ottawa. My research interests lie in contemporary political and social philosophy, 19th- and 20th-century French and German political thought, Weimar thought, French democratic theory, philosophy of history, epistemology of the social sciences and interpretive approaches in the history of political ideas. I teach a wide range of courses in political theory, including classical political thought (Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Thucydides), modern political thought (from La Boétie and Machiavelli to J.S. Mill and Nietzsche) as well as contemporary political theory (here is the syllabus of my Fall 2019 seminar).

I was recently awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant for a project entitled “Presences of the Past: Conceptual History as a Critical Tool in Political Theory“. The research examines the evolution, uses and performatives effects of the concept of crisis in contemporary political and social discourse using the resources provided by the Begriffsgeschichte approach first developed by the German historian Reinhart Koselleck.

Prior to coming to Carleton, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Political Theory at the University of Toronto, where I was also a Postdoctoral Associate at the Centre for Ethics. I completed my Ph.D. in Philosophy and Social Sciences  (Specialization in Political Philosophy) at the School For Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris, France. I was also a Visiting Doctoral Fellow at the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago in 2013.  I hold a Joint Honours B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science and a M.Phil. in Philosophy from the University of Ottawa.

Since 2017, I am also the organizer of a monthly reading group at Carleton University entitled “Reading the Classics of Social Sciences” in which Faculty members, graduate and advanced undergraduate students meet to read and discuss authors that have left a significant mark in the field of the social sciences. So far we have studied Max Weber’s Vocation Lectures, Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism, Foucault’s Sécurité, Territoire, Population, Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation and some of Isaiah Berlin’s essays. When I am not doing research, reading, writing, or teaching, I enjoy playing the piano and – the less noble – accordion, gardening, cycling, travelling, and talking with my toddler about fundamental existential problems.

For more info on my research projects and publications, see my Academia profile.

Je suis présentement professeure agrégée en théorie politique au  département de science politique de l’Université Carleton à Ottawa. Mes intérêts de recherche portent notamment sur la philosophie politique contemporaine, la pensée politique allemande et française (19e-20e siècles), la philosophie de l’histoire dans ses variantes continentale et analytique, la théorie démocratique française, l’épistémologie des sciences sociales et les méthodes d’interprétation en histoire des idées politiques. J‘enseigne plusieurs cours en théorie politique, dont la philosophie politique classique (Homère, Platon, Aristote, Thucydide, Sophocles), la pensée politique moderne (de La Boétie et Machiavel à J.S. Mill et Nietzsche) et la philosophie politique contemporaine (voir le syllabus de mon séminaire de l’automne 2019).

Avant mon arrivée à Ottawa, j’ai complété un fellowship postdoctoral en théorie politique à l’Université de Toronto, où j’étais également postdoctorante affiliée au Centre for Ethics. J’ai effectué un doctorat en philosophie et sciences sociales (spécialisation en philosophie politique) à l’École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) à Paris. J’ai également été Visiting Doctoral Fellow au Committee on Social Thought de l’Université de Chicago en 2013. Je détiens un double baccalauréat en Philosophie et Science Politique, de même qu’une maîtrise en philosophie, de l’Université d’Ottawa.

Pour plus d’informations sur mes projets de recherches et articles, voir mon profil Academia.